Communion – In Remembrance of Him

Communion - a loaf of bread, two cups of red wine with a candle

This week I took communion with some friends as we were praying and seeking the Lord. It was very powerful and we were enjoying the Lord’s tangible presence among us.

The Lord gave us a revelation about His body and blood, the elements of communion. During communion, we take the bread as it represents His body broken for us. But today on the earth, WE are His body, broken for those who are looking for the bread of life. It is our lives poured out (like His blood was poured out) in sacrificial love to care for those around us who need patience or kindness. 

After we said to the Lord, Thank You for Your sacrifice, for Your body that was broken for us. He then said to us, Thank you for being broken for those in the world that need to see My love and My goodness through your compassion and sacrificial love – by being patient with someone or kind when it’s not easy.

This is how we do communion in remembrance of him – by showing the Father’s goodness to others. This demonstrates our union with Him. We serve them the communion that we have received. Isn’t that beautiful? ❤️

For those who want to experience more of the presence of Christ, I encourage you to take communion at home. It’s not just a practice for church settings. In fact, the very first communion was in a home, as the disciples were sitting around the table after a meal.

Do you take communion in places other than at church? If so, please comment below and share your experience with us. 🙂

How to Walk in the Kingdom of God: Simple Steps

The other night I was pondering what I wanted to share on an upcoming podcast a friend asked me to join. What is a simple, straightforward teaching that resonates with me and the potential audience deeply? For me, that is – How to Walk in the Kingdom of God.

Many people have asked me over the years how to do this – how do I actually follow Jesus? What does that look like? How do I position my heart and mind so that I can stay connected to Jesus and do what I see the Father doing? So here are some simple steps.

How to Walk in the Kingdom of God: Simple Steps

1. Choose to become like a child in your heart and mind. Jesus said unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3).

    2. Become pure in heart. The pure in heart see God (Matthew 5:8). Stop allowing defilement in through your eyes and ears. Do not watch or listen to anything that is inappropriate for a 4-year-old to see or hear. This is critical. Ask the Lord to cleanse you of things that you have seen and heard and wash them from you. Stay pure and you’ll be amazed how much easier it is to see God and experience His presence. Forgive and let go of judgments against others. Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).

    3. Lose complacency. If you do not have passion for God, acknowledge that to Him. Ask Him to reignite your heart and draw you to Himself. Do this every time you sense yourself becoming distracted or your heart growing cold. He loves to answer this prayer and you will see a response usually within 48 to 72 hours. Your passion for Him will return.

    4. Practice His presence daily. Learn how to connect with the tangible presence of God. Find your key to open that door and do it every single day. Then begin to cultivate an awareness of God’s presence every hour of the day until it becomes second nature. When you awake, your first thought will be Him. When you fall asleep at night, your last thought will be of Him.

    5. Follow His leading, moment-by-moment every day. Just do what you see your Father doing. It’s that simple. Don’t overthink it. Just be, and be content. Holy Spirit will teach you how to do this. It’s actually much simpler than you may think. We make it hard by expecting it to be more than it is.

    It’s that simple. Become like a child, pure in heart, with a deep desire to be in His presence and to follow Him everyday. That’s how you walk in the Kingdom of God. 💗

    Choose childlikeness 
Protect purity
Preserve passion
Pursue presence
Freely follow

    Which step are you currently practicing? Is there one of these steps that is hard for you? Why?
    Which one would you like to start working on this week?

    Feel free to comment below – what do you think of these steps? Are they simple? (though not necessarily easy at first) This is my take on it – what’s yours?

    I love to hear from my readers – so please, let me know your thoughts or questions below.

    I’ve Been Slimed! 🤢

    black van

    The other day I was in traffic and I pulled behind a large black van. We were both in the lane to turn left into a busy multi-lane highway. As I was waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I read the advertising on the van. It appeared to be for a man’s grooming salon and I wondered out loud, “Why do they have such a big van for a man’s salon? Do they offer mobile grooming?”

    Suddenly I felt a wave of negative energy come towards me! I was shocked. My eyes were still on the van and I noticed at that exact moment the address on the van – it was from a part of town where witchcraft is common and celebrated. People especially use it to prosper in business.

    woman covered in green slime
    I’ve been slimed!

    I’ve been slimed! I thought. It felt just like what is depicted in the movie Ghostbusters when a negative other worldly being rushes towards its victim. YUK! 🤢

    Immediately I prayed out loud, “I come out of agreement with witchcraft. You do NOT have permission to mess with me. Go back! Now!” I felt the energy shift but it was still lingering. So I continued to tell it to leave me alone and it did!

    By the time the light changed, it was gone. I kept my eye on that black van because now I knew what it carried in the spirit realm. Initially it pulled into the far left lane and then suddenly the van cut across all 3 lanes and turned right, into a shopping center. Thankfully no other cars were around and since I was keeping my distance from the van, it didn’t affect me. I just watched and shook my head as the driver made a “Miami right” as we say (turning right from the far left lane).

    Whew! Thank goodness for very sensitive discernment. In the past, I have not been so aware and I’ve been affected by being randomly “slimed” – it messes with your mind and emotions and yet you don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix it. No fun at all.

    I don’t know why it decided to attack me – maybe it didn’t like the tone of my question about the van. I was being a little skeptical, I guess. Maybe it sounded like I was mocking them? 🤷‍♀️

    Are you aware of negative energy when it hits you?

    As I’ve been walking with Jesus, I am definitely more aware of it. Especially when it specifically targets me. Sometimes I am aware of it just in the air – as a storm moves through the area or when I drive through different parts of town.

    On a positive note, I had a good experience with spiritual energy today. I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to go to a park near my house. I wasn’t sure why. So I asked if I should bring my journal or art supplies – sometimes I write or paint at the park. I sensed that I didn’t need to bring those today.

    When I arrived, I felt drawn to walk through a specific section of the park. As I did, I began to feel God’s “good energy” being released from me to bless the ground and the surrounding area with His glory. I can’t really explain it other than to describe how it felt – like positive vibes leaking from my arms and legs as I walked. From an outsider’s perspective, it just looked like a woman walking in the park. But in the spiritual realm, it might have looked more like this.

    woman with hands raised releasing good vibes in a field

    That was fun! I like to go on random adventures with God. I never know what He has in mind.

    Do you have any experience with positive or negative spiritual energy? If so, please comment below. I love to read other people’s experiences – that way we all learn from each other. Some people refer to the negative energy as demons or evil spirits. It definitely could be. I didn’t specifically see demons – it just felt like a wave of energy that was not good. And when I was walking in the park, it simply felt like “good energy”, but I didn’t know if it was love, joy, peace or what – to me it just felt like a blessing of God’s presence and goodness.

    It can be hard to learn how to deal with energy because you can’t often see it – or at least, I can’t. Sometimes I can perceive it on other people but not usually visually. But God knows that and He knows what we need to learn to be able to respond to it well. I hope I’m learning more and more each day. And now I’m sharing it with you so you can learn from my experience.

    Thanks for reading this far – God bless you! (sending lots of positive vibes your way 😊)

    I ain't afraid of no ghost logo

    Book Review: My Descent into Death

    My Descent Into Death book cover

    My Descent into Death by Howard Storm is a very inspirational Near Death Experience (NDE) story about an American college art professor who has a medical emergency while traveling in Paris, France. I love reading books about another person’s experience of life after death in the heavenly realm. Unfortunately, Howard didn’t start there. He was an atheist when he died and experienced something terrible – something I hope you never see or hear in your life. I won’t go into detail – no spoilers here. But fortunately, a song from his childhood came to his mind – Jesus loves me. He sang it in pure desperation, wondering if he could ever escape this hellish place he found himself in and guess what? Jesus came to him!

    The rest of the book is full of inspirational and unusual insight. Remember, he didn’t know Jesus when he died so he had no preconceived religious ideas (or not very many). So he asked a LOT of questions of Jesus and the angels – the answers he received provide some powerful truths we could all benefit from.

    For instance, when Jesus told him that he needed to go back to earth, Howard was very reluctant and asked why he had to go back. He was experiencing such love and peace as he had never experienced before – you can imagine why he didn’t want to come back to earth. Jesus’ answer to him was unique.

    You can save the world.
    I don’t think so. I’m nobody and I’m not going to save the world. How could I save the world? Howard replied.
    You are to love the person you are with.
    How will that save the world? Howard wondered.
    When you love a person, they will love the next person they meet, and they will love the next person they meet, and so on.
    I don’t know if I can do it.
    You can do it because we will help you. (“We” meaning Jesus and the angels who were with them.)

    Howard was also thinking of his family – his wife and two children. Jesus told him he had to return to finish the job he had.

    You have a job to do, which is to take care of the people God needs you to love. You were born to love these people. This is the job that you were created to do.

    I LOVE this idea, don’t you? You have a job to do – to take care of the people in your life. Whether that’s your spouse, children, parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, etc. But it’s not “everybody” in the world – just the ones you are with – the ones you speak to, live with, visit or see each day. “You were born to love these people.” What a simple, yet profound concept.

    I took my mother to a doctor’s appointment recently and as we were leaving, the doctor turned to us and said, “Take good care of each other.” That hit me with such powerful simplicity. Yes, that’s what we are called to do – every single one of us. Just take good care of each other. 💗

    Reading Howard’s life story is very encouraging – his NDE completely changed his life. You can imagine what it might be like going from being a humanistic atheist to a man of faith who had actually met Jesus, face to face! How he changed his life and the differences it made in those around him is contained in the book and I am so glad! Often NDE stories end with the person waking up in the hospital, but not this one. He describes what life was like for him and how long it took to physically recover as well as process his supernatural experience. And the life choices he made afterwards profoundly changed the direction of his life and family.

    He said something very powerful toward the end of the book,

    Living life with faith is infinitely more rewarding than living without faith in God. Having faith gives one courage to do things one would never do, and the patience to endure the unendurable. Faith gives hope when you haven’t a clue how things will turn out. Faith gives joy when everything is bleak. Life with faith in God is so superior to life without faith that I recommend anyone to seek faith above all other things.

    – Howard Storm, My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life

    Thank you, Howard, for sharing your story with us. We need encouragement when things look bleak in the world. We need that courage, patience, hope and joy. And most of all we need Love.

    As Howard learned to apply his faith, he was amazed at how much good he could do to help others. He said,

    “There is nothing we couldn’t do if enough people listened to God.”

    I believe it! And as my previous post described, Jesus is already drawing people together to bring restoration to the earth. They WILL be listening to God, whether they realize it or not! 😁

    If you’d like to read Howard Storm’s book, you can click here to find it on Amazon.

    Do you have a book you’d recommend? Please post the title and author’s name below in the comments. I love finding good books. Thanks to Andrey in Poland for recommending this one!

    Light Exploding as Unity Restores the Earth

    The Lord showed me a very encouraging vision 2 nights ago. I was with a group of people, waiting on the Lord to see what He would show us.

    A circle of hands pointing toward the center where there's a bright light

    Someone saw us standing in a circle with our hands outstretched toward the center of the circle. Suddenly there was a bright light in the center and Jesus was there! We felt enveloped by His presence and were awestruck with the weightiness of His glory – it was awesome!! 😍

    The Lord showed us that our unity reveals the brightness of His glory. We each have Him inside of us and when we come together in unity, His glory is revealed. This is what creation is waiting for – His manifest glory through our unity as One. Wow.

    Then He said, “Stay focused on the Light, there’s more coming.”

    Someone sensed a new beginning – that it was time to dance!

    I saw this bright burst of light explode into the night sky like a rocket. Then it split off into two and circled the earth.

    A burst of light at the top, coming down and circling the globe

    Immediately I knew: This light represents the power of restoration for all creation – His glory revealed in our unity. HE is doing this – bringing people into unity all over the world because now is the time. No more playing around – it’s time for Unity on the earth in order to bring Restoration.

    I was in AWE. 🤩

    And then He made it clear to my mind that it wasn’t just Christian people He was uniting. He was bringing unity to all kinds of people – so that what is inside of them can come together and reveal His glorious power to restore the earth.

    WOW. WOW. WOW.

    God is SO GOOD! I’m excited to hear and see what that looks like.

    Already so many good things are happening in the earth and it seems they are accelerating. Every week I hear good news about new breakthroughs that will help solve the problems of the earth. There’s an app you can download that will give you good news like this regularly – I read it to encourage me, especially after I’ve been reading regular news headlines. Here’s what the icon of the app looks like:

    Good News app icon

    Here’s the links to download it, if you’re interested. I love what they are doing to share good news!

    Google Play:

    Apple Store:

    What are your thoughts? Please share them below. Can you imagine things getting better on the earth as people begin to work together to solve the world’s problems? I completely believe it is possible and now that I know God is already working on it, it makes my heart so happy!! 😍💗😁🤗

    Water Responds to Love: Jennifer’s Story

    I have a very cool story to share with you today! A friend of mine, Jennifer, recently shared this story and I was blown away – this is LOVE in Action!

    On this blog we discuss our authority as believers in Jesus Christ. As He is, so are we in this world, right? (I John 4:17) We have authority to help creation prosper and cooperate with the needs of God’s children. Authority comes from knowing who we are as children of God (aka sons of God) and taking our place to help govern the earth as Adam and Eve were commanded to do.

     Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:26-28 NKJV

    The authority we carry comes from Love. Jennifer was learning about this and decided to put it into action. Here’s her story:

    My husband built our home in 2018. When he was starting to finish the basement, I heard the Lord say he should wait to finish it off because the basement is going to take on water and there will be damage. I told the Lord, “You know he is not going to listen to me.” Out of fear and not taking responsibility, I kept silent. Every spring when the snow melts, our basement has taken on water and made a mess for me to clean.

    In spring of 2023 I repented and said, “Lord, I really should have taken responsibility for that and said something, even if he hadn’t listened to me. What can be done, Lord?” The Lord has led me to speak to the water. Not in a demanding way, but in a loving way. I said, “Water, I really love and appreciate you and you are needed in the earth, but do you think you could go around the basement instead of through it?” I went on to explain that I’m a son of God and how much work it was causing for me – how it was preventing me from having a clean and comfortable home for my loved ones. So far in Spring of 2024, the basement is dry! Praise the Lord!! – Jennifer V., Maine

    WOW! I love stories like this because they are so real and practical. She had a mess on her hands EVERY SINGLE YEAR. She was frustrated. She didn’t know what to do. So she asked the Lord and realized she needed to repent for not saying what He told her. She took responsibility and asked the Lord for help and He gave her a creative solution!

    This is an exciting time to be alive as more and more people are learning how to work WITH creation as partners in taking care of each other. Creation was made for us and it respects us when we are acting in Love and in accordance with God’s will.

    Notice that she did not demand that the water obey her. She honored the water and it’s place. She asked it to simply help her keep her basement dry for her family. I think that’s awesome! I never would have thought of that, would you?

    I’m curious as to how this actually happens – that her basement stays dry. Are there angels redirecting the water away from the basement? Is the water itself moving away? Is the soil around the basement shifting so as the snow melts, it runs in a different direction, away from the basement?

    Regardless of how it happens, she is thrilled that it IS happening and no more wet basement! Thank you, Lord, for giving us authority as your sons and daughters!

    Do you have an experience of talking to creation and having it respond to you? Please share it below! I love to hear these kinds of testimonies because they stretch our faith and help us think outside the box.

    Angel appears – Zaps my laptop!

    Guess what happened to me the other night? An angel zapped my laptop!

    I was in a Zoom meeting with several other people, waiting on God to see what the Lord would show us about Himself and His kingdom. As we did, different members saw us together with Jesus in a garden. Then a door opened and a company of angels started marching out. They were full of Light.

    Someone saw Jesus talking to the angels and assigning some of them to each of us. We thanked the Lord for sending them to us, to assist us in establishing His kingdom and His will in the earth.

    Suddenly I sensed a very strong presence of an angel right there in my office. He was standing directly in front on me so I turned my head toward him to discern why he was there. Here’s the screen shot from the Zoom meeting. That’s me in the blue shirt with the beach scene behind me, turning my attention away from the screen.

    Zoom meeting screen shot

    Suddenly my computer started making a LOUD alarming sound that wouldn’t stop! I have never heard a computer make that kind of continuous sound before. I tried pressing the Esc key and then I tried pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete, but it didn’t respond. The screen was frozen and so was my mouse, so I held down the power button until it shut off.

    What just happened, I thought. I was sensing a new angel here in my office and suddenly my laptop is freaking out!

    I tried to restart my laptop but it was very hot to the touch on the bottom so I shut it down again to let it cool off. I rejoined the meeting on my phone and found out I wasn’t the only one who had experienced problems. Another member of the group also suddenly had tech difficulties and had to shut down her computer and rejoin the meeting using her phone. She also mentioned problems with the sound.

    As the meeting continued, I tried to calm down and refocus my attention on the Lord. I asked Him about this new angel. I heard, He is here to serve you. And I saw gold glitter in the space where he had been standing.

    The next night I was working on a painting in my office and sensing the angelic realm around me. It was getting late, so I took the dog out for a potty break before heading to bed. As we stepped out the front door, I saw a round rainbow around my front lamp post.

    The rainbow was a perfect circle of red on the outside and I looked to see if I could see all 7 colors – they were not in rings, but more like looking inside a crystal prism. They were sparkling and winking and moving, especially the yellow and green. It was so bright and beautiful! I pulled out my phone to try and capture the effect, but it was fading and the phone could not see all the colors I could with my eyes. I noticed the air was cool and very moist. I blinked several times, realizing that seeing this effect was probably not “normal”. Was it the water vapor in the air refracting the light from the lamp post? I looked at other nearby lights on the neighbor’s houses. None of them had this rainbow effect. But the light from them was in a star pattern and they were also twinkling and moving. It was wild!

    When I looked back at my lamp post, all I could see was the star pattern. I tried to capture it on my phone’s camera and you can kind of see what I mean.

    Energy shifts things in the natural realm. The angel appearing in my office definitely shifted something and freaked out my laptop. By the way, it’s fine now – I’m writing on it right now with no problems. Energy was also shifted in the rainbow effect from my lamp post. Light was being refracted, but why could I only see it around the lamp and not any other lights? It reminded me of the scripture in Revelation 4 where it says there’s a rainbow around the throne of God that sparkles like an emerald.

    I’m hoping to get more information about this experience, but for now, I just wanted to share it because it’s not every day that an angel’s appearance zaps your computer! Has anything like this ever happened to you? Feel free to share in the comments below.

    By the way, here’s the photo I tried to take of the rainbow circle of light around the lamp – you can see the circle, but not the colors. It was so cool to see the colors! 🌈

    I Googled this effect, it’s called corona phenomenon. Sometimes you can see it around the moon at night. Here’s a photo someone captured of a corona around a light post. That’s what mine looked like!

    Book Review: Third-Heaven Authority

    Third-Heaven Authority by Mike Thompson is a new book on prayer that is worth reading. If you are not familiar with third-heaven authority, I highly recommend it. If you are familiar with the concept, you still may enjoy the book as he shares several visions and experiences of going to heaven that are inspirational and encouraging. If you don’t have time to read the entire book, read the first chapter and the last chapter, where he gives a brief summary of the entire book’s message. His visions are spread throughout the book and several are described in detail starting with chapter 13.

    The Lord taught me how to pray with third-heaven authority many years ago – primarily from the Scripture, Colossians 3:1-2, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Jesus told us to pray that “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. How can you pray God’s will on the earth unless you know how things are done in heaven? So you sit in heavenly places in Christ and you see what God is doing – that’s what you pray.

    I mean, what is the point of praying for things from YOUR perspective if you don’t have HIS perspective? His perspective shifts everything and it’s the power of His words that make things happen in the natural realm, right? All authority in heaven and on earth was given to Jesus after He rose from the dead.(Matthew 28:18) It just makes sense to go the Source if you want your prayers answered. 🙂

    The author, Mike Thompson, does an excellent job outlining what is third-heaven authority and how to access it. He’s a good teacher and lays it down, point-by-point, with many Scripture references so that beginners can understand what is meant and how to apply it.

    If you’ve had trouble seeing your prayers answered, then this book will be a GAME CHANGER for you!! Praying from heaven’s perspective gives you great authority to see things change on the earth. He explains why in the book.

    If seeing things from a heavenly perspective is new to you, you may want to read the post I wrote recently called, Visit Heaven Today. You may also enjoy the one on the Courts of Heaven. Both of these will help you with the concept and encourage you on your journey toward establishing God’s kingdom in the earth.

    You can pray from your soulish desires or you can pray from His Spirit’s desire – and you will get very different results. Do you know when you are praying from your soul or when you are praying from your spirit? I can hear the difference when I listen to someone pray. I explain the differences in the post, Spirit vs Soul, Surprising Power in Prayer. This is somewhat related to Mike Thompson’s teaching in his book, but he doesn’t directly say it. He does explain the difference between the soul and the spirit and how these two interact, which I found refreshing and explained well.

    It is part of growing in your relationship with God to learn who you are in Christ – and that includes the tremendous authority you have in the spiritual realm. You have NO IDEA how powerful you are! Pay attention to your words, they are not “just words”. The intention of your heart is what empowers them. So please “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)

    You can get a copy of Mike’s book on Amazon here – or check your local library. I found a copy on the Hoopla Digital app, sponsored by my library. I hope by reading it on their app, it encourages the library folks to keep buying good Christian books like this one. 💗

    Cloud of Protection

    “NO! Aaahh, stop!!”

    I woke up screaming from a nightmare (again). Sigh. When was this going to STOP?!

    But this time, I could still feel the Fear in the room – like something was watching me! Maybe several somethings … ((shudder))

    Child afraid of the dark with no protection

    I turned on all the lights. I walked around and prayed, trying to dispel the effects of the nightmare on my mind. This was back in the early days before I knew much about spiritual warfare or my authority in Christ.

    I was exhausted and just wanted to go back to sleep! But I still felt unsettled.

    My mind told me, “There’s nothing to be afraid of. God is your protector. You can go back to bed.” But my heart said, “Yes, and what if those things come back as soon as I close my eyes. I hate nightmares!”

    A few days before this experience, someone had mentioned the concept of using your imagination to help make God’s qualities more real to your mind and heart.

    So I imagined a fluffy pink cloud surrounding me as I lay back down in my bed. This represented to me God’s Love and Protection over me as I slept. I started to relax and soon fell deeply asleep.

    Woman sleeping in Cloud of Protection

    The next morning I was pleasantly surprised that this simple exercise had helped me SO much! I began to use it whenever I felt unsettled before going to bed. And I always slept peacefully.

    I recently shared this with one of my readers who was asking about nightmares as well as how to deal with demonic entities in the atmosphere that she could feel. It’s not easy to stand up to the enemy when you don’t feel safe. I know that feeling well – not feeling safe, or feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of the demonic entities and not knowing what to do. That used to be me every day. Can you relate?

    Learning I could create a personal space of safety by trusting in God as I went to sleep really helped me. It gave me more confidence. Later I learned how to apply that idea at my job, which was often a very oppressive environment. I’ll post about that on another day.

    So what do you think? Does using your imagination empower you? Does it help make God more real for you? Have you tried this technique before?

    I used to know a lady who really wanted to make Jesus more real in her life. She struggled to stay focused during her prayer times. So she set up her kitchen table with tea cups for two. She put tea bags in both cups. As she poured the boiling water into the cups, she began talking to Jesus as though He was joining her for tea. She talked to Him like He was sitting right there in the chair next to her – and it became so real for her! She felt comforted by His presence and they talked until His tea got cold. Then she drank His tea and put everything away, confident that her “tea time” with Jesus was as real as any prayer time she had ever had.

    Table set with tea for two

    Fiction Flexes Your Seeing Muscles

    Many people find this blog because they want to grow in being able to “see” the unseen realm. Can you see what is unseen? Yes, you can. Sometimes you see with the eyes of your heart and sometimes you see with your natural eyes. Here’s a couple of articles on this topic: Why Can’t I See or Hear in the Spirit? and How to See the Unseen Realm.

    Today I want to explore some other ways you can grow in the ability to see.

    Something about reading fiction enhances my ability to perceive angels and the unseen realm more clearly.  Perhaps using my imagination as I read helps me tap into that realm more easily. Try it! Read a good fiction book like The Starlore Legacy series by Chuck Black – it’s like the Bible told in a Star Wars universe. Lots of fun! After reading for an hour or so, close the book and look around the room. Or walk through your house. I bet you’ll notice more things from the spiritual realm. I certainly do! 🙂

    Eyes to See the Unseen

    I believe the same part of our being that can imagine is the part that helps us perceive things that are invisible to our eyes. Think about when you get a prophetic insight – you don’t SEE it with your natural eyes, do you? You see it with the eyes of your heart! (aka your imagination) Paul said he prayed that the eyes of our hearts would be enlightened (Ephesians 1:18). I don’t think that this means we are “making it up” like when people use their imagination to create a novel. But it is a part of our being that we use to “see” things, to imagine things that our natural eyes cannot perceive. So when you read a good fiction book, it is flexing those “seeing” muscles! Isn’t that cool? 😲

    Different Types of Spiritual Senses

    I’ve noticed that many people that can see clearly in the unseen realm cannot perceive clearly. And those that hear can’t see and those that perceive don’t often hear or see. We need each other – none of us have all the gifts. This way we all have a piece to share. If we could see, hear and perceive everything all on our own, why would we need anyone else? 😉

    I would much rather be able to perceive than to see. But that’s just me. By perceiving I mean sensing or feeling or “knowing” beyond knowledge.

    I’ve also noticed that fasting sleep makes me more perceptive to the unseen realm, though I’ve never done it intentionally. It makes me overly sensitive to everything (which can be overwhelming) so I don’t do it on purpose. But if for some reason I get less than 5-6 hours of sleep,  my senses are very sharp. If this happens for more than 1 night, I’m incredibly sensitive but it takes a big toll on me and I need a day or more to recover. 

    In college I lived on a supernatural grace of 5 hours a night during the week and then slept copious amounts on the weekend. I was young and on fire and my friends and I sought hard after God. It was exhilarating!! 

    So what enables you to perceive the unseen realm more clearly? And no, I don’t mean psychotropic substances. I personally don’t trust anything that alters my ability to perceive the natural realm to begin with.

    By the way, I  ALWAYS notice a big shift in my awareness after midnight until the sun comes up. Everything is clearer and it’s much easier to get discernment or prophetic insight. Have you noticed this too?

    Let me know in the comments section  – let’s learn from each other! 🙂